DHS Rhea Co Interior Renovations (21777)


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date7/12/24 2:00pm EDT

Bid Date7/18/24 2:00pm EDT


Upland Design Group


Dayton, TN

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Skilled Services
Contact: Shane Carmichael
Phone: 865-599-5397

Shelby General Contractors
Contact: Patton Browning
Phone: 205-807-5935
Email: PBrowning@shelbygc.com

Williams Development
Contact: Vance Williams
Phone: 423-322-7595
Email: williamsdevelopment@outlook.com

Tri-State Electrical
Contact: Jason Hall
Phone: 423-800-1430
Email: Jasonh@tristateec.com

Wilson Construction Group
Contact: Shane Sewell
Phone: 423-745-0600
Email: bids@wilsonbuilds.com

Wilder Contracting
Contact: Jordan Nicely
Phone: 423-710-4785
Email: tbrooks@wildercon.com