Harned Hall (22223)


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 3/13/25 10:00am CDT
Bid Date 4/2/25 3:00pm CDT

Company & Contacts

Melvin Gill Architect
Melvin Gill  


Nashville, TN

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Follow-up site visit - March 24 at 11 am CT.

Plan Holders:

Century Construction Group, Inc.
Contact: Dalton Brow
Phone: 502-500-2467
Email: DBrow@centurycg.com

Grace Contracting
Contact: Jerry Penrod
Phone: 615-425-6542
Email: jerry@gctenn.com

Kerry Campbell Inc.
Contact: John Campbell
Phone: 615-242-0001
Email: jcampbell@kerrycampbell.com

Tandem Construction
Contact: Matthew Evans
Phone: 615-297-9892
Email: matthew@tandemconstructionllc.com

Fuller Industries
Contact: Russell Fuller
Phone: 615-255-1199
Email: russell_fuller@bellsouth.net

Beech Construction
Contact: Tim Osgood
Phone: 615- 427-5117
Email: timosgood@beech-construction.com

Southern Building & Design, LLC
Contact: Will Milburn
Phone: 615-405-8940
Email: wmilburn07@bellsouth.net

Century Construction
Contact: Eric McKinney
Phone: 615-405-0946
Email: emckinney@centurygc.com

Justice Farms, LLC
Contact: John Justice
Phone: 615-207-0069
Email: john@justicebuilderstn.com

SM Lawrence
Contact: Rob Deliello
Phone: 615-248-2813
Email: rdeliello@smlawrence.com

Carroll Daniel Construction
Contact: Charlie Edwards
Phone: 417-209-6932
Email: charlie.edwards@carrolldaniel.com

Tri-State Armature& Electric Works
Contact: Jenan Gillia
Phone: 931-622-5151
Email: jgillia@tsarm.com

Choate Construction
Contact: Zack Medina
Phone: 704-654-0628
Email: zmedina@choateco.com

Rock City Construction Company
Contact: Brian Mumpower
Phone: 615-962-3528
Email: bmumpower@bulley.com

Drakes Creek Builders
Contact: Brent House
Phone: 615-308-4032
Email: bhouse@drakescreekbuilders.com

Miracle Method
Contact: Eric Stacy
Phone: 615-995-2348
Email: estacy@mmnashville.com

Baron Construction, LLC
Contact: Amy Montgomery
Phone: 615-690-7770
Email: amontgomery@baronconstructionllc.com

W & T Contracting Corporation
Contact: Jonathan Logan
Phone: 901-482-4383
Email: JonathanLogan@WTContractingCorp.com