Hamilton County Juvenile Court Addition (22245)


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 3/27/25 10:00am EDT
Bid Date 4/10/25 2:00pm EDT

Company & Contacts

MTa Architecture & Planning
Matthew Twitchell  


Chattanooga, TN

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General Contractors:

J & J Contractors
Contact: Shannon McConnell
Phone: 423-265-3233
Email: shannon@jjcontractors.com

Morgan Construction
Contact: Tyler Mills
Phone: 423-598-0071
Email: Tmills@morganconstruction.com

Shelby General Contractors
Contact: Patton Browning
Phone: 205-807-5935
Email: Pbrowning@shelbygc.com

Robert Roberts LLC
Contact: Blake Goldsmith
Phone: 423-206-2727
Email: estimating@robertroberts.net
Requesting bids by April 9 at 2 pm ET.

Pillar Construction
Contact: Evan Craig
Phone: 423-762-4178
Email: ecraig@pillarco.com
Requesting bids for Drywall & Framing, Flooring and Painting.

Eaton Construction
Contact: Brandon Eaton
Phone: 865-963-9920
Email: office@eatonprojects.com

Bolt Builders
Contact: Kevin Lloyd
Phone: 423-208-8161
Email: kevinlloyd@boltbuilders.net