Hazel Green High School Classroom Addition (22139)


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 2/13/25 10:00am CST
Bid Date 3/4/25 2:00pm CST

Company & Contacts

Ward Scott Architecture, Inc.
Christy Baker  


Hazel Green, AL

In order to access bid documents, AGC East Tennessee Members are required to log in. Create a username and password by clicking "Register for an account."

General Contractors are required to prequalify prior to 12 pm CT on February 7.

General Contractors:

Contact: Joseph Cuzzort
Phone: 256-924-0829
Email: jcuzzort@mcssk12.org

Doster Construction
Contact: Conn Crabtree
Phone: 256-200-6160
Email: ccrabreee@dosterconstruction.com

Wallace Construction
Contact: Nick Carr
Phone: 256-682-0535
Email: nick@wallace.b2

P & C Construction
Contact: Justa Rogers
Phone: 423-321-9599
Email: jrogers@pc-const.com

Limestone Building Group
Contact: Paige Dean
Phone: 256-560-5328
Email: pdean@limestonebuildinggroup.com

Lee Builders
Contact: Paul Smith
Phone: 256-431-8638
Email: estimating@leebilders.com