Demolition & Clearance of 2 Specified Structures (22132)

The contractor will be an “Agent of the City of Scottsboro Solid Waste Disposal Authority” for this specific Project and will be required to use magnets provided by the City of that specifies this. The City will only accept debris from equipment that is marked as such. The roll off containers that will be utilized on this project cannot be stored onsite and must stay connected to the truck. Putting the roll off on the ground for loading only and must stay hooked at all times. Any part of this Addendum not being as such can result in the penalties established by the City Ordinance.
Addendum 1 (click to expand/collapse)
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City of Scottsboro -Demolition Project - (Addendum Number 1) 13.1 KB
Addendum 2 (click to expand/collapse)
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City of Scottsboro - Demolition Project - Addendum No. 2 416.1 KB